We welcome your feedback and inquiries.  Be sure to check over the topics below to send your email to the right team member. If you do not receive a reply within 5 business days, please email us at flap@flap.org. 

FLAP Canada receives a large volume of presentation requests, which we review on a case-by-case basis. We welcome honorariums for presentations payable to FLAP Canada to help offset our staff time and travel costs.

Note: Do not send an email about an injured bird. Call our office hotline (416) 366-3527 and leave a message for the most expedient response.

How may we help you keep birds safe?

Request a speaker/presentation: flap@flap.org

Media/interview request: executivedirector@flap.org

Volunteering: volunteer@flap.org

General inquiry/feedback to FLAP Canada: flap@flap.org

Request a BirdSafe® consultation for Commercial Buildings: birdsafe.ca/consulting

Request Board Director contact: flap@flap.org

Help! I’ve found an injured bird: Call our hotline at (416) 366-3527. FLAP Canada receives high call volumes during migration periods. Please leave a voicemail message. We will try to return your call within one hour during business hours (9:00am to 6:00pm daily), or first thing the following morning if the message is left when we are closed. Please do not notify us by email.

I/We would like to start a FLAP-like program: flap@flap.org

Be sure to include:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Company (if applicable)
  • Message