• Start A FLAP-like Program

    Pine Warbler

One of our goals is to continue to expand FLAP-like initiatives
into major urban centres across the globe.

We hope to continue to inspire you to start such a program wherever you live. 

What’s Involved?

Take some time investigating the buildings in your area. Wherever you find tall, brightly lit structures or windows reflecting natural habitat, birds are likely to collide with them. We recommend that you begin by spending an entire migration season, either in the spring or fall, monitoring these structures and recording your findings.

Our Volunteer Training Manual and our Bird-Window Collision Monitoring-Survey Protocol may be helpful in learning how to monitor for and record bird strikes, as well as how to respond when you find an injured bird.

The network map (below) shows the various centres where these FLAP-like programs exist as a result of our advice and support. If yours is missing, Contact Us.

View the North American Bird Collision Network Map

  1. Scan the perimeter of the base of a building for dead birds or feathered remains.
  2. Ask tenants, security, and maintenance staff if they have found dead or injured birds around their building or if they have witnessed a bird collision.
  3. Scan the windows for visual impact marks. Birds’ feathers are naturally coated with a powdery residue that can leave a ghostly imprint on glass where the bird hits.
  4. Look to see if a building owner has installed bird silhouette decals. This can be a sign that bird strikes are a problem and the owner is trying to do something about it.
  5. Take meticulous records of any bird casualties you discover—the date, time of day, species, whether the bird is injured or dead, building address, which side of the building is involved. You may enter the data at Birdmapper.org.
  6. Encourage others to join you in your monitoring efforts. The more eyes on the issue, the clearer the picture you build of the extent of the problem, and the more data you will have to convince building owners and municipal authorities of the need for action.

If your investigation reveals a serious bird collision problem in your city, you can help keep birds safe by starting a local bird rescue program. Please check the North American Bird Collision Network to see if there is an organization near you that you can join. You will find like-minded individuals who share your goal of protecting migratory birds. FLAP Canada is always available to answer your questions! Please Contact Us.

North American Bird Collision Network