What Can You Do?

You may be aiming for your institution to implement measures for reducing collisions at problem buildings, to commit to bird-friendly guidelines for future buildings, and/or to include bird-friendly guidelines in renovation plans. To create meaningful change on campus, you will need to get buy-in from your institution’s administration.

A great first step is building local support for your position. If you are a student, find a professor or faculty member with a shared interest in conservation. A professor is in a better position to enlist the support of other faculty members. Reach out to classmates, student groups, alumni, colleagues, faculty members, department chairs, associate deans, and deans about the importance of the bird-building issue. Build a coalition of people (ideally across faculties and departments) that are willing to lend their support to your position.


  • Other great ways to build support include awareness campaigns and involving others with window-collision monitoring on campus.

Once you have gained local support, request a meeting with the head(s) of facilities and/or planning/development and others with decision-making abilities on campus.

General Tips

  • Ask administrators to identify barriers to action and any concerns, so you can work together to develop a plan to address them.

  • Identify common goals (e.g. a sustainable campus, a positive public image for the university).

  • Polite persistence pays off. Set a date to follow-up, to ensure you maintain momentum.

  • Remember that students are the paying customers of academic institutions. Student-led advocacy can be a particularly powerful tool in creating change.

  • Always be polite, positive, and professional.