• Useful Tools & Resources

    Pine Warbler

We want to equip you with the knowledge and information you need to support our bird-safe mission, and to connect, learn and act with us in keeping homes, schools, workplaces and communities safe for birds.

Useful Links & Resources

NOTE: Please let us know if your local initiative is missing from this list.

  • Ontario Rehabilitation Centres
    Wildlife rehabilitators in Ontario are authorized by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry to care for injured, sick or orphaned wildlife until they can be released back into the wild. These rehabilitators work in a range of environments, from a large facility to their own backyard.

    To find an authorized wildlife rehabilitator in Ontario, please view the Wildlife Rehabilitators List.

Please refer to birdsafe.ca for technologies and vendors.


Poster : Are Birds Hitting Your Windows?

  • This one page poster is designed to alert members of the public to window collisions, provide information on how to help injured birds, and how to treat windows to prevent collisions.

Poster : Bird and Moon Comic

  • This fantastic comic by Bird and Moon explains why birds cannot see glass and provides examples on how to protect birds by treating windows.

Guidelines & Standards

Listed here are the most in-depth and widely referenced guidelines and standards for bird deterrants in North America. For more information, visit birdsafe.ca.


In 2007, the City of Toronto, working in partnership with FLAP Canada and other stakeholders, published the world’s first Bird-Friendly Development Guidelines.

Since then, FLAP Canada has consulted with numerous cities across Canada and the United States to implement similar guidelines and standards. Vancouver, Calgary, Markham, Chicago, and San Francisco are just a few of the municipalities that recognize bird collisions with the built environment pose a significant threat to birds, and have adopted some form of bird-building collision management strategies.

In 2017, the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) invited FLAP Canada to sit on its technical committee to help develop its Bird-Friendly Building Design standard A460:19. The Standard provides bird-friendly design requirements for glazing, building-integrated structures, and overall building and site design for both new construction and existing buildings.

Toronto Bird-Friendly Development Guidelines Contributors